Snaptube App - Download & Install Android Apk for FREE (2023)

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Install Snaptube App
App Name Snaptube
App Size 20.30MB
Package Name
Minimum Requirement Android 5.0 or higher
License Free
Developer Mobiuspace
Review Count 78883
Rating 4.8
Downloads 40 Million+
Category Video Player
Operating System Android
Table of Content• • •

What is Snaptube?

Snaptube is a handy Android app that makes downloading videos and music from popular platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram a breeze.

Not only does it let you download media, but it also converts videos into MP3 format so that you can enjoy your favorite tunes offline.

The Chinese app maker Mobiuspace designed and developed the app, making it easy for anyone to navigate. It offers a range of download resolutions from 3GP to 4K, allowing you to choose the quality that suits your needs and storage capacity.

Snaptube App isn't just about downloading and playing media. It also helps you manage your media files, keeping your device organized.

Moreover, it's compatible with over 200 popular websites, expanding your download options beyond the usual platforms.

Features of Snaptube

Multiple Platform Support

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Snaptube allows users to download videos and music from various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more. This feature provides users with a one-stop solution for all their multimedia downloading needs.

Variety of Resolutions

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Snaptube allows users to choose the resolution of the videos they download. This includes high-definition options, allowing users to enjoy explicit, high-quality videos. This feature is handy for users who wish to view content offline or save it for later viewing.

MP3 Conversion

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Snaptube has a built-in feature that allows users to convert videos into MP3 files. This is especially useful for users who want to download music or podcasts. The conversion process is straightforward and does not require any additional software

User-Friendly Interface

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Snaptube has a clean, intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and use the app. The app features a search bar for easy access to content, and the straightforward download process makes it user-friendly even for those who need to be tech-savvy.

In-App Browser

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Snaptube features an in-app browser that allows users to search for videos directly within the app. This eliminates the need to switch between different apps and makes finding and downloading videos more efficient.

Safe and Secure

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Snaptube places a high priority on user safety and security. The app is verified by McAfee, CM Security, and Lookout Security to ensure it is free of any malware or viruses. This allows users to download content with peace of mind.

How to Download and Install the Snaptube App on Android

Method 1 Direct installation without any App Store

  • 1Download the APK File - Below, you'll see a 'Download' button. Tap on it to start downloading the Snaptube APK file. The download should start automatically, but if it doesn't, you may need to confirm the download or remove any pop-up blockers preventing it. Download Snaptube Apk
  • 2Open the APK File - Once the APK file is downloaded, open your device's file manager and navigate to the 'Downloads' folder. Here, you should find the Snaptube APK file. Tap on it to open.
  • 3Allow Installations from Unknown Sources - If this is your first time installing an app from an APK file, you may see a prompt that blocks installations from unknown sources. To allow the installation, go to your device's settings (usually by pulling down the notification shade and tapping the gear icon). Scroll down and tap on 'Security' or 'Applications' (this may vary depending on your device). Here, you should see an option to allow installations from unknown sources. Toggle this option on.
  • 4Install the App - After allowing installations from unknown sources, return to the Snaptube APK file in your 'Downloads' folder and tap on it again. This time, you should see an option to install the app. Tap on 'Install' and wait for the installation to complete.
  • 5Open Snaptube - Once the installation is complete, you can open the Snaptube app directly from the installation screen by tapping on 'Open' or finding it in your device's app drawer.

Method 2 Downloading from Aptoide Store

  • 1Download and Install Aptoide - Download the Aptoide APK and install it on your device using the above method. Download Aptoide
  • 2Search for Snaptube - Open the Aptoide app and tap on the search icon at the top of the screen. Type 'Snaptube' into the search bar and tap 'Search.'
  • 3Install Snaptube - In the search results, find the Snaptube app and tap on it. This will take you to the app's page. Tap the 'Install' button to start the download and installation process.
  • 4Open Snaptube - Once the installation is complete, you can open the Snaptube app directly from the installation screen or find it in your device's app drawer.

Snaptube App Installation Screenshots

Step 1 -Download the APK File
Step 1 -Download the APK File
Step 2 - Open the APK File
Step 2 -Open the APK File
Step 3 -Allow Installations from Unknown Sources
Step 3 -Allow Installations from Unknown Sources
Step 4 - Install the App
Step 4 -Install the App
Step 5 - Open Snaptube
Step 5 -Open Snaptube

Common Errors Occur During Snaptube Installation

Blocked or Install Anyway

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This error often occurs when you try to install an APK file that's not from the Google Play Store. Android devices have a default setting that blocks installations from unknown sources for security reasons. To resolve this, you must allow installations from unknown sources in your device's settings.

Parse Error

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This error can occur if the Snaptube APK file you're trying to install is corrupted or partially downloaded or if it's not compatible with your Android version or device. Ensure you're downloading the APK from a trusted source like the official Snaptube website and that your device meets the app's minimum requirements.

Insufficient Storage Available

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This error means there's not enough storage space on your device to install the app. You'll need to free up some space by deleting unused apps and files or clearing your cache.

App Not Installed

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This error can occur for several reasons, such as a corrupted APK file, insufficient storage space, or a conflict with an existing package with the same name. Try clearing your cache and data from the package installer, uninstalling previous app versions, and checking that your SD card is mounted correctly.

Download Unsuccessful

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This error can occur if your internet connection is unstable or too slow. Try connecting to a different network or moving closer to your Wi-Fi router.

Can't Open File

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This error usually occurs when your device has no app to open the APK file. Ensure you have a file manager app installed to handle APK files.

How to Use Snaptube

Watch Video

Websites Supported by Snaptube

Snaptube is a versatile app that supports more than 200+ websites and platforms. This makes it a one-stop solution for all your media downloading needs. Here are some of the popular websites that Snaptube supports:

Remember, Snaptube is continually updated to support more platforms, ensuring you always have access to a wide range of content.

FAQs asked by our Users

Is Snaptube safe? • • •

The safety of Snaptube has been a topic of debate. Some sources claim that it is safe to download and use Snaptube, especially if downloaded from a trusted site like ours. However, other sources have raised concerns about potential security issues, such as data leakage and the installation of malware. It's recommended to keep your device's security software up-to-date and only download apps from trusted sources.

Why is Snaptube not available on the Google Play Store? • • •

Snaptube is not available on the Google Play Store due to Google's policy which prohibits YouTube video downloading apps for copyright concerns. The Snaptube app allows users to download video and audio from YouTube, which is against YouTube's rules.

Which country developed Snaptube? • • •

Snaptube was developed by a China-based company called Mobiuspace.

What is Snaptube beta? • • •

Snaptube Beta is a test version of the Snaptube app. It allows users to experience new features before they are officially released. The beta version is often used for testing and feedback purposes.

Snaptube available for Samsung devices? • • •

Yes, Snaptube is available for Samsung devices. It can be downloaded from Samsung's own app store.

How can I install the latest version of Snaptube? • • •

To install the latest version of Snaptube, you can download the latest version of the applin from the link mentioned above. Alternatively, if you already have the app installed, you can open the Snaptube app, select "Me" from the bottom bar, then select "About" and "Update Now."

Updates are not mandatory each time, but they often fix bugs and introduce new features.

How to Distinguish Between Original and Fake Snaptube App? • • •

The original Snaptube app is a secure and reliable application developed by Mobiuspace. It's designed to provide users a safe and efficient way to download videos and music from various platforms. The app is regularly updated to fix bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features.

On the other hand, a fake Snaptube app is an imitation that poses significant risks. These counterfeit apps often contain malware that can harm your device or steal your personal data. They might also deliver a poor user experience due to bugs and a lack of proper functionality.

Be cautious of third-party app stores or links from unverified emails or messages, as these are common sources of fake apps.

If you suspect you've downloaded a fake Snaptube app, taking immediate action is important. Uninstall the app and run a security scan to detect and remove any potential malware. If you've provided any personal information to the app, watch your accounts closely for any suspicious activity.

Jichang Ding Founder of Snaptube App

Written by Jichang Ding

Verified by Mobiuspace

Jichang Ding is the innovative mind behind Mobiuspace, a leading tech company known for its groundbreaking applications. One of his notable contributions is the popular app Snaptube, which has significantly impacted the way users interact with multimedia content.

last Updated - 20 July, 2023

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78883 4.8/5.0

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Jacob Sullivan21 July 2023


Snaptube's interface is user-friendly, and the download speed is truly impressive. It's become an essential part of my digital toolkit.


Luke Robinson20 July 2023


Snaptube is an indispensable tool for offline video watching. Although it could benefit from some UI improvements, it serves its purpose excellently.


Michael Peterson20 July 2023


As someone who adores music, Snaptube has made my life significantly easier. The ability to download songs in MP3 format is simply amazing.